RLX Technology Inc. announced that one of its subsidiaries has obtained a License for Manufacturing Enterprise from the department of tobacco monopoly administration under the State Council of the People's Republic of China to own the RELX brand and manufacture RELX branded e-vapor rechargeable devices, cartridge products, and products sold in combination with e-vapor rechargeable devices and cartridge products in compliance with China's Administrative Measures for E-Cigarettes. The approved manufacturing capacity is 15,050,000 units of e-vapor rechargeable devices per year, 328,700,000 units of cartridge products per year, and 6,100,000 units of disposable e-vapor products per year. The valid term for the License for Manufacturing Enterprise obtained is from July 18, 2022 to July 31, 2023.

Since the first quarter of 2022, the relevant government authorities in China have issued a series of implementing rules and guiding opinions to strengthen oversight of e-cigarette products and regulate the e-cigarette industry. These rules and opinions set that, among others, all e-cigarette manufacturing enterprises must apply with the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration and obtain a License for Manufacturing Enterprise.