BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - In prime time on Saturday night, the ZDF crime thriller "Helen Dorn: The Right to Remain Silent," starring Anna Loos, came out on top by a wide margin with TV audiences. An average of 6.63 million people tuned in, equivalent to 24.7 percent from 8:15 p.m. onward. The ARD show "Verstehen Sie Spaß?" with Barbara Schöneberger - a recording from last October - which until recently was mostly above four million, reached 3.14 million viewers (12.7 percent). Another casting episode of the RTL show "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" fell short of the 2 million mark, with 1.92 million (7.3 percent).

Behind it was BR Fernsehen, which repeated Friday night's carnival show "Fastnacht in Franken," gaining 1.4 million viewers (6.3 percent), according to industry service "" On Friday night, as many as 3.8 million had tuned in nationwide.

The fantasy adventure film "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" on Sat.1 drew 1.18 million (4.7 percent), the nearly four-hour ProSieben show "Das Duell um die Welt - Team Joko gegen Team Klaas" 940,000 (4.1 percent), the mystery thriller "X-Files - Der Film" on ZDFneo 530,000 (2.0) and the action series "9-1-1 Notruf L.A." on Kabel eins 510,000 (1.9)./gth/DP/he