Sakae Holdings Ltd. appointed Mr. Ali Ijaz Ahmad as Independent Non-Executive Director of the Company with effect from 25 July 2023. Job Title: Independent Non-Executive Director and designated as Non-Independent Non-Executive Director upon completion of the Proposed Sale. Working Experience: March 2006 to present: Chief Executive Officer of Makara Capital Partners Pte.

Ltd. Other Director Ships Present: Makara Investment Advisors Pte Ltd, Makara Capital Partners Pte Ltd, Asia Development Fund Pte Ltd, Singapore Turkey Investment Company Pte Ltd, Makara Capital Limited, The Colonial Singapore Pte Ltd, Austrian Anadi Bank AG, Makara Strategic Acquisition Corp. Professional Qualifications: Master in Public Administration from Harvard University (Kennedy School of Government), a Bachelor of Arts in Government and Physics from Bowdoin College and a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University.