Sector 5, Inc. granted license by Google to manufacture, market, and sell Chromebook computers and accessories. The largest market for these innovative Internet-enabled, high security, highly efficient notebooks is the US education sector, primarily covering grades K through 12. Secondary markets include higher education, consumer, and clients in the commercial, industrial, and service sectors. Sector 5 is in the process of launching a new Chromebook to the US market. This new device along with a new product line up including wireless charging solutions for laptops and iPads, new interactive point of sales displays with broadband access, interactive ordering and payment systems that will be launched in fast food chains, hotels, retail mails, etc. Now in the third evolution, the upcoming release of the new Sector 5 E3 Chromebook is a sharp juxtaposition of style, ruggedness, offers the latest in technical innovation, and yet is one of the most affordable units on the market. This machine has more than enough power to multitask the vast library of Chrome OS apps, Android apps, and is even slated to run Linux apps this coming December after a free over-the-air update.