Semantix, Inc. announced the initiation of a strategic partnership with SPC Grafeno. The collaboration was unveiled during an exclusive event featuring representatives from both organizations, signaling a joint effort to bring positive changes to Brazil's credit market. The partnership aims to position SPC Grafeno as a data intelligence infrastructure in the financial market, leveraging the Semantix stack to expedite product creation, refine data processing, and enhance storage strategies.

By introducing financial assets as influential players in credit decision-making, SPC Grafeno, as the registrar, will hold crucial information about asset registration. The ultimate objective is to contribute to a reduction in fraud, decrease default rates, mitigate risks, and attract global investors to a more secure credit market, particularly in the business segment. Semantix, renowned for its expertise in artificial intelligence, brings to the partnership an advanced platform designed to accelerate the development and productization of data for SPC Grafeno.

Leveraging technologies such as machine learning and deep learning, Semantix offers innovative solutions, including the use of synthetic data to expedite the creation of specialized artificial intelligence models and libraries.