Semantix, Inc. announces the resignation of Mr. Adriano Alcalde, Chief Financial Officer, to be effective on May 1, 2024. Mr. Alcalde has served as Chief Financial Officer & IR of the Company since June 2020, contributing significantly to its financial success and growth. The Company is committed to ensuring a seamless transition and has already initiated a thorough search for a qualified successor.

During this interim period, Mr. Alcalde will work closely with the executive team to facilitate a smooth handover of responsibilities. The Board of Directors and executive leadership team are actively engaged in the succession planning process, and updates on the progress will be communicated promptly to stakeholders. The company remains focused on its strategic objectives and is optimistic about the future.

Semantix assures shareholders, investors, and the market at large that the resignation of Mr. Alcalde will not impact day-to-day operations, and it is committed to maintaining financial excellence.