SICIT Group S.p.A. (BIT:SICT) commences share repurchases on July 1, 2019, under the program mandated by the shareholders in the Ordinary Shareholders Meeting held on March 1, 2019. As per the mandate, the company is authorized to repurchase its own shares. The shares are repurchased with the aim of providing the company with a stock of treasury shares in view of the possible future incentive plans in favor of employees and/or directors of the company and/or as payment, also for the exchange of shareholdings with other parties, as part of transactions in the interest of the company. On June 19, 2019, the company announced a share repurchase program. Under the program, the company will repurchase up to 300,000 shares for €3 million. The purchases will be made at a price that is not higher than the highest between the price of the last independent transaction and the price of the highest current independent offer on the trading venues where the purchase is made, it being understood that the unit price may not be lower by a minimum of 20% and higher by a maximum of 10% compared to the arithmetic average of the official prices recorded by the company's share in the 10 trading days prior to each individual purchase transaction. The repurchases will commence on July 1, 2019 and will continue until September 1, 2020. As of June 19, 2019, the company does not hold any treasury shares.