SideChannel Inc. unveiled an integrated summer product release. The company is introducing new functionality to Enclave. In doing so, SideChannel is creating a product ecosystem to unlock growth and create network visibility for businesses of any type and size.

The vast majority of network infrastructure teams use multiple products to manage and secure corporate assets, the enterprise network and permission staff and resources. Regardless of the combination of products used, the new functionality the company announced can drive meaningful gains for network security at mid-market organizations as they navigate the year ahead. Enclave's new Asset Inventory module brings every network asset into view regardless of where it resides in the network.

Visibility is key because it reduces the chance neglected assets become an entry point for bad actors. The Microsegmentation module minimizes the impact of a compromised asset on the enterprise network. Full feature list: Tools for Increased Security; Cybersecurity continues to be at the heart of Enclave.

The new vulnerability detection and tagging features strengthen an already strong web-based network management tool. Asset Discovery: Detect unknown assets sitting on the network. Enhanced Visibility: Gain insights into unused or underused assets, helping in optimization and finding potential cost savings.

Track and Manage Assets: Monitor all the devices and applications within the network, categorizing and sorting them according to your policies and privilege levels. Real-Time Vulnerability Scanning: Continuous network scanning identifies and tags potential vulnerabilities and points to their exact location. Prioritization and Management: Categorize vulnerabilities based on CVSS severity scores and potential impact, allowing for targeted remediation.

Integration with Other Tools: Seamlessly integrate with existing security solutions to create a multi-layered defense system. Built with frameworks in mind: Implementing the full Enclave suite satisfies 35 CIS v8 Controls. CIS Controls are a set of actions published by the Center for Internet Security, a national organization comprised of government agencies, companies and associations that advance cybersecurity readiness and response for public and private sector enterprises.

Tools for Automating Network Operations. Done for you: Enclave is fully managed. Implementation is as simple as installing an agent.

Align with policy changes on the fly: Making changes is as easy sending an email or dragging and dropping for the DIY-er on your team. Visual Mapping: Generate real-time visual maps of how information is flowing within the network, identifying bottlenecks or insecure paths. Collaboration and Planning: Easily share accurate diagrams with different teams, aiding in coordinated planning and response.

Tools for Compliance & Security Questionnaires. Compliance and Reporting: Maintain compliance by having a detailed inventory that can be leveraged for audits and reporting.