Sinopec Oilfield Service Corporation announced that it has accepted the resignation of Mr. Zou Huiping from his position as a supervisor of the Company due to new working arrangement on 30 May 2019. Mr. Zou has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the board of directors of the Company and the Supervisory Committee, and there are no other matters in relation to his resignation that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company. The Company held the employee's representative meeting on 30 May 2019 pursuant to the Company Law of People's Republic of China and the Article of Association of the Company. As reviewed and passed by the employee's representative meeting, Mr. Chen Weiguo was elected as the employee representative supervisor of the ninth session of the Supervisory Committee of the Company for a term commencing from 30 May 2019 to the date when the term of the ninth session of the Supervisory Committee expires (February 2021).