Sinopharm Group Co. Ltd. announced meanwhile, in view of the retirement of Mr. Ma Ping, a non-executive Director, the Board resolved at the same meeting to propose to appoint Mr. Wang Peng as a non-executive Director of the sixth session of the Board. The Board resolved at the meeting of the Board held on 25 August 2023 to elect Mr. Shi Shenghao, an independent non-executive Director, as a member of the strategy and investment committee of the Board, with immediate effect.

Mr. Ma Ping, a non-executive Director of the fifth session of the Board, will retire upon the approval of appointment of Directors of the sixth session of the Board at the extraordinary general meeting of the Company. Mr. Ma Ping has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board, and there is no other matters relating to his resignation as a Director that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders (the "Shareholders") and creditors of the Company. The Board would like to take this opportunity to express its sincere gratitude to Mr. Ma Ping for his contributions to the Company during his tenure as a Director.

The Board resolved at the meeting of the Board held on 25 August 2023 to elect Mr. Shi Shenghao, an independent non-executive Director, as a member of the strategy and investment committee of the Board, with immediate effect.