Sinopharm Group Co. Ltd. at its EGM held on September 15, 2023, considered and approved (if thought fit) the appointment of Mr. Guo Jinhong as a shareholder representative Supervisor of the sixth session of the Supervisory Committee, to authorize the Supervisory Committee to determine his remuneration and to authorize the chairman of the Board or any executive Director to enter into the service contract or such other documents or supplemental agreements or deeds with him. The Board also announced that the sixth session of the Supervisory Committee comprises five Supervisors, and the independent Supervisors are Ms. Guan Xiaohui and Mr. Liu Zhengdong, shareholder
representative Supervisor is Mr. Guo Jinhong and the employee representative Supervisors are Mr. Liu Hongbing and Ms. Lu Haiqing. The first meeting of the sixth session of the Supervisory Committee was held on 15 September 2023 and resolved to elect Ms. Guan Xiaohui as the chief Supervisor of the Supervisory Committee.