Frendegruppen has established an interim board to carry out the establishment of the cooperative company. The interim board will function as a temporary board until a permanent board is elected, tentatively in the second quarter of 2024. Heidi Nag Flikka, CEO of Flekkefjord Sparebank, takes on the role of chair of the interim board.

Geir Bergskaug, managing director of Sparebanken Sør, steps in as deputy chair. Other board members are Pål Strand (Sparebanken Øst), Jan Erik Kjerpeseth (Sparebanken Vest), Bjørn Asle Hynne (Aasen Sparebank) and Vidar Skaar (Varig Nordmøre og Romsdal). Bent Eidem (LOKALBANK) and Espen Nilsen (De Samarbeidende Sparebanker) have roles as observers on the board.

Frendegruppen is an umbrella organization with no target for own profit and where it is the companies themselves that have direct and optional ownership in one or more of the product companies. The associated product companies are Balder Betaling, Frende Forsikring, Brage Finans, Norne Securities and Verd Boligkreditt. Frendegruppen will coordinate and develop the cooperation between the members, represent the banks in selected areas and make the cooperation visible as an attractive alternative to closely integrated alliances.

On 23 January 2024, Hans Olav Ingdal stepped down from his role as Executive Vice President for Banking Services at Sparebanken Vest to become CEO of the Frendegruppen. Together with the interim board and a subsequent permanent board, Ingdal will lead the administrative creation of the company, establish the necessary regulatory framework and set strategic direction for the collaboration. goal is to become the preferred partner company for banks that are concerned with long-term independence and freedom of choice, says Ingdal.