Spineway announces the signature of a partnership with the Italian company Tsunami Medical, pioneer in innovative 3D-printed solutions, for the sale of Twin Peaks interbody cages produced with 3D printers. Always with the goal in mind of designing state-of-the-art technological solutions to meet the needs of surgeons for the treatment of spinal disorders, Spineway and Tsunami Medical entered into an exclusive agreement that will allow Spineway to market a line of innovative implants made of laser-sintered titanium using 3D printers from 2021. Selective Laser Melting (SLM), a technique developed by Tsunami Medical in 2010, makes it possible to melt titanium into a three-dimensional part with cavity grids. Once implanted between vertebrae, the bone cells can colonize the implant’s cavities, thus favoring bone growth, which is the goal of this surgery. These implants bear the EC label, which means they can be widely distributed on the markets and attests to the quality of the technology developed by Tsunami Medical.