KOBLENZ (dpa-AFX) - The automotive and industrial supplier Stabilus grew in all sales regions in the past fiscal year despite a challenging environment. However, the company had to accept losses in profitability. As Stabilus announced in Koblenz on Friday on the basis of preliminary calculations, sales in the fiscal year ended September climbed by just under 9 percent year-on-year to a good EUR 1.2 billion. While earnings before taxes adjusted for special effects rose slightly to 158.4 million euros, the corresponding margin fell by one percentage point to 13 percent. The Group thus more or less met its own forecasts and market expectations. At the bottom line, profit fell by one million euros to 103.3 million euros.

According to the press release, Stabilus CEO Michael Büchsner is optimistic about the current fiscal year - also in view of the upheavals at the main plant and the recently announced acquisition of the US company Destaco, with which the Group intends to strengthen its industrial business. The management expects sales to increase to between 1.4 and 1.5 billion euros. At 13 to 14 percent, the Group expects the adjusted operating margin to be roughly on a par with the previous two years. According to the information provided, the forecast also includes effects from the consolidation of the Americans, including anticipated costs for integration./tav/mis