Stantec announced that it has been named a partner in the United Nations (UN) Decade on Ecosystem Restoration. In support of this global call to action, the UN developed a partnership framework inclusive of eight participation categories. The UN partnership committee approved Stantec's application as an actor partner in that framework.

Stantec is the first design and engineering firm to be named an actor partner by the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration team. Actor partners are private sector entities that develop restoration programs and advise, support, or facilitate restoration activities on the ground. Actor partners sign a declaration statement about adhering to the UN Decade on Restoration principles and are committed to several expectations outlined by the UN over the course of the decade, including serving on its Science Taskforce.

In its ecosystem restoration work, Stantec works with clients to reduce their carbon footprint by restoring forests and wetlands that sequester carbon, improve coastal resiliency through the restoration of estuaries and coastal wetlands, meet corporate sustainability goals through nature-based solutions, restore prairies and forests to create pollinator habitat, and meet mitigation needs and improve water quality and aquatic environments by restoring streams and wetlands.