Sun.King Technology Group Limited announced that due to work arrangement, Mr. Zhao Hang tendered his resignation as an independent non-executive Director, a member of the remuneration committee of the Board and the chairman of the investment committee of the Board, all with effect from 1 January 2022. Mr. Zhao has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board and that he is not aware of any matter in relation to his resignation that needs to be brought to the attention of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and the shareholders of the Company. Mr. Zhao has confirmed that he has no claim against the Group for compensation for loss of office or for fees or otherwise howsoever.

It is intended that Mr. Zhao will be appointed a director of Co. Ltd., being a subsidiary of the Company engaging in insulated gate bipolar transistor related business. Save as disclosed above, the Board is not aware of any other matter in relation to the resignation of Mr. Zhao that needs to be brought to the attention of the Stock Exchange and the Shareholders.

The Board would like to express its sincere gratitude to Mr. Zhao for his contributions towards the Company during his tenure of office. In view of the resignation of Mr. Zhao as the chairman of the investment committee of the Board, Mr. Xiang Jie was appointed as the chairman of the investment committee of the Board with effect from 1 January 2022.