Tecsys Inc. announced that Eclipse Stores has successfully integrated Tecsys' order management system (OMS) into its e-commerce store, which is powered by Shopify. This strategic digital commerce fulfillment environment, implemented with expert guidance by Allure Commerce, highlights Eclipse's commitment to enhance service levels and deliver an unparalleled customer experience. The integration between Tecsys' OMS and Shopify's e-commerce platform provides a seamless flow of order information between the online storefront and back-end order management.

This digitally-enabled environment allows Eclipse to expand its omnichannel capabilities across multiple platforms while maintaining a source of truth for tracking and management of inventory. This reduces manual entry, minimizes errors, and provides better visibility throughout the order processing cycle. Eclipse Stores' initiative to integrate Tecsys' OMS into their Shopify-powered store sets a high standard in retail efficiency and customer satisfaction.

With accurate inventory data and efficient order processing, customer service associates have up-to-date information about product availability, visibility into order status, and flexibility around fulfillment preferences. This level of service can significantly enhance their customer's shopping experience and is a testament to the role of innovative technology solutions in transforming the retail landscape.