A creative bank that fulfills the dreams of the region and customers we serve


Report 2023

San-in Godo Bank Sustainability Report 2023

Top Message

Approach to Sustainability Policies

Initiatives in the Environmental Field

Social Initiatives

Corporate Governance Initiatives

Various Data

San-in Godo Bank solves local issues locally and goes beyond the local community to disseminate specific initiatives and models from San-in to help resolve issues facing society.

Editorial Policy

San-in Godo Bank believes that sustainable local communities and the sustainable growth of the Bank are one and the same. We recognize that sustainability initiatives are important management issues, and we work to resolve these issues through our core business and community contribution activities. We have prepared the Sustainability Report 2023 to summarize these efforts. This report references the GRI Standards and TCFD Recommendations and provides ESG information such as sustainability policies and systems, specific initiatives, and case studies.

Scope of Reporting

Reporting Period

Reference Guidelines


In principle, we report information on San-in Godo Bank and consolidated subsidiaries (the San-in Godo Bank Group; the Group).

FY2022 (April 1, 2022-March 31, 2023)

Some contents include information for fiscal 2023.

GRI Standards

*Global Reporting Initiative (GRI): An international organization established in 1997 to pursue common guidelines for sustainability reporting worldwide.

TCFD Recommendations

*Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD): A task force established in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) to encourage companies to disclose climate-related information. Members include central banks and financial supervisory authorities from major countries.

This report contains forward-looking statements.

Please note that such forward-looking statements may differ due to changes in the business environment and other factors.

Disclosure System

Value Creation Story

IR Information

ESG Information

Integrated Report


Financial Statements


Annual Securities


Company Presentation


Mini Disclosure Magazine



Website (https://www.gogin.co.jp/en/)


Top Message

Approach to Sustainability Policies

Initiatives in the Environmental Field

Social Initiatives

Corporate Governance Initiatives

Various Data


Top Message


Approach to Sustainability



Gogin Sustainability

Value Creation Process

Policy on Sustainability Initiatives

Identify Materialities

Initiatives for Materialities

Stakeholder Engagement

Special Dialogue


Achieving a Sustainable Regional Society

Initiatives in the Environmental Field


Response to Climate Change

Aiming for Carbon-Neutral Communities

Reducing the Environmental Impact of Our Business Activities

Environmental Protection Activities in Collaboration With Local Communities

Benefiting the Environment Through Financial Products and Services

Social Initiatives


Complete Support for Local Communities With Relationship Banking

Providing Stable Financial Infrastructure to All Customers Supporting Richer Lives for Our Customers

Improving Services for Customers Requiring Special Care Developing a Broad Range of Unique Social Initiatives

Supporting Local Community and Customer SDG Initiatives

Supporting Active Careers for Diverse Human Resources Respect for Human Rights Initiatives

Corporate Governance Initiatives


Corporate Governance

Risk Management

Various Data

Participation in Initiatives

External Evaluations

ESG Data

GRI Standards Table

Financial Highlights

Corporate Highlights








Top Message

Approach to Sustainability Policies

Initiatives in the Environmental Field

Social Initiatives

Corporate Governance Initiatives

Various Data

Top Message

Message From the President

Working as a unified group to practice sustainability management and develop sustainable local communities.

September 2023

President and Representative Director

Toru Yamasaki

Solving the environmental and social issues facing Japan and the world requires the focus of communities and individuals. As part of the financial infrastructure of the region we serve, San-in Godo Bank (the "Bank") aims to not only provide high-quality services, but also to continue having a positive impact on solutions to regional issues and sustainable development.

Response to Climate Change

Responding to climate change is a shared global challenge. In recent years, the importance and pervasiveness of this issue has only risen in urgency. In December 2021, the Bank established medium- to long-term reduction targets toward carbon neutrality. We strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout the San-in Godo Bank Group (the "Group"). To create decarbonized societies, however, requires region-wide efforts. In addition, the demand for products, services, and technologies leading toward decarbonization grows stronger by the day. This is true for both business activities and consumer behavior. Therefore, we share with our community and customers information about the current state and urgency related to decarbonizing societies, assisting to resolve the issues that differ from partner to partner.

Clean energy offering less environmental impact will be increasingly in demand in the future. Another issue we face is the lack of renewable energy generation facilities in San-in compared with other regions. Given our


Top Message

Approach to Sustainability Policies

Initiatives in the Environmental Field

Social Initiatives

Corporate Governance Initiatives

Various Data

Top Message

understanding of these issues, last year, we established Gogin Energy Co., Ltd., the first subsidiary among financial institutions engaged in renewable energy generation. We expect Gogin Energy to accelerate progress toward decarbonization in the region by developing regional infrastructure supporting decarbonized societies. First, the Bank will set an example by taking the business risk to develop renewable energy facilities. Our intent is to assist in expanding local renewable energy businesses, encourage locally produced energy for local consumption, and attract companies seeking sources of renewable energy. We pursue stronger cooperation with local governments and businesses in the region. Three plans jointly proposed with local communities were selected as a Decarbonization Leading Area by the Ministry of the Environment. The Bank will continue to expand these efforts and work toward decarbonized societies together with our communities.

Solving Community Issues and Addressing New Social Problems

San-in, the Bank's home market, has a smaller economy, with a greater aging and declining population compared with other areas of Japan. From early on, we have been dealing with this problem through wisdom and ingenuity. We strive to maintain high-quality financial services to individuals and communities in hard-to-reach mountainous areas and remote islands experiencing declining birthrates and aging demographics. We endeavor to create channels more easily accessible to the elderly and expand services through digital technology.

Since 2006, we have been involved in forest conservation activities, a unique social contribution activity in which Bank employees go directly into the mountains to participate. We continue seeking deeper relationships and development with our communities. These efforts include Gogin Challenged, which supports the independence and social participation of people with disabilities, and Shofukan, a private school training the future leaders of our communities.

Leveraging Human Capital

Our management philosophy isthe creative bank that fulfills the dreams of the region and customers we serve. Under this philosophy, we aim to solve the issues faced by our communities and customers, achieve sustainable development, and grow together. One of the most important tasks in embodying this philosophy is to develop human resources who are useful to the community and our customers. We consider human resources to be one of the most important assets that create value for the Bank. We invest actively in and develop each employee to help them grow, and we create environments in which employees can work with enthusiasm. We introduced substantial revisions to our human resources and career development systems last year. We believe these changes are creating environments in which employees are motivated to grow independently and express their talents fully. Efficient staffing and the training of highly specialized personnel are also necessary for providing

high-value-added services to customers. To this end, we freed up staff through a major restructuring and increased the number of sales representatives for corporate clients significantly. The Bank seeks the sustainable growth of San-in through our management philosophy, which not only encompasses the development of professional human resources who contribute solutions to community and customer issues, but also policies to maximize the value of our human resources through training and improved internal environments.

We embrace employees with diverse values and careers. Their opinions provide valuable insight for us to respond flexibly to a business environment that changes at an unprecedented speed. The ratio of women in management positions (section chief and higher) has reached 25% (consolidated) owing to our active promotion of women according to their talents. We will continue to promote more women in the future.

Sustainability Management

We understand that without the sustainable growth of the region, there will be no sustainable growth for the Bank. Knowing this, we strive as a unified group for the development of sustainable local communities, viewing solutions to environmental and social issues as part of our management strategy and integral to our business. At the same time, we are committed to meeting the trust of our stakeholders through sustainable value creation. We sincerely appreciate your continued support and patronage.


Top Message

Approach to Sustainability Policies

Initiatives in the Environmental Field

Social Initiatives

Corporate Governance Initiatives

Various Data

Gogin Sustainability

Management Policy

Continue to Work Together With the Community and our Customers

San-in has a weak economic base and has long faced diverse regional issues. For the region to sustain itself, it must grow by addressing issues through massive internal action. The Bank values our relationship with our communities, and our activities are based on the idea that local issues can be solved locally.

Our fundamental desire to help the community and our customers will remain unchanged as we stay committed to being deeply rooted in the community and endeavor in the sustainability of the region. We will work to pass on our strengths cultivated to date, further improve our problem-solving skills, and grow closer to our management philosophy. In this way, the Bank aims to create sustainable communities and mutual growth.



A creative bank that fulfills the dreams of the region and customers we serve

Value Creation Process

Long-Term Vision

A regional bank leading in sustainable growth and solutions-oriented services

Values and Action Guidelines




San-in Godo Bank aims to respond to changes in the surrounding environment and customer needs, as well as meet expectations as a leading



Supporting Our


We contribute to regional development and the revitalization of local economies by solving community and customer issues through our



With Local


We believe sustainability management and relationship banking are two sides of the same coin. For Gogin, relationship banking is a



Customer Satisfaction

(CS) Declaration

San-in Godo Bank Group endorses the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and strives to make sustainable regional societies possible through initiatives that solve regional issues.

We will always be helpful to our customers.

We will always show gratitude to our customers. We will always serve our customers with a smile.

regional bank. To do so, we have historically sought to strengthen our management foundation, maintain financial soundness through enhancing profitability, and continue to provide cutting-edge financial services and expertise.

core businesses. To continue supporting our communities through core businesses, we aim to acquire more problem-solving capabilities to help our communities and customers, growing together in the process.

universal, unchanging business model that we pursue on a constant basis. We continue to develop deep ties with local communities through contribution activities for greater sustainability in all respects.


Top Message

Approach to Sustainability Policies

Initiatives in the Environmental Field

Social Initiatives

Corporate Governance Initiatives

Various Data

Value Creation Process

Our Sustainable Cycle Leads to Regional Growth and Increased Corporate Value Through Contributing to Solving Social Issues

San-in Godo Bank views relationship banking as our universal business model and aims to achieve sustainable regional growth together with our regions. To do so, we will utilize the capital we built to date to solve social issues proactively. The Bank steadily supports our regions and customers by establishing deeper-than-ever ties with both through extensive relationship banking anchored in consulting and digitalization.


  1. Sustainable Regional Society

Contribute to SDGs


Capital utilized

Human Capital

Hard-working human resources committed to the region

Intellectual Capital

Experts in quality relationship banking with an imaginative and creative corporate culture

Financial Capital

High capital adequacy ratio and high-quality loan assets

Social Capital

A high share of transactions in San-in and a wide-ranging network of branches

Natural Capital

A rich natural environment with abundant regional resources



  • Environmental business initiatives
  • Response to climate change
  • Reduction in environmental impact


  • Corporate growth and continuity of regional businesses
  • Formation of a safe, secure community
  • Contribution to regional society
  • Support for regional and customer SDGs/ESG
  • Diversity promotion


  • Strengthening group governance
  • Enhancing risk management


A creative bank that fulfills


the dreams of the region and

customers we serve



Build trust,

Propose and implement


understand issues



and needs

Development of

Extensive Relationship

Train human resources


Improve added value


of the region and


Grow and develop

the Bank

Governance, Compliance,

Risk Management, and

Stakeholder Dialogues


Value provided

Corporate Clients

Spectrum of consulting services for corporate clients

Individual Customers

Asset consulting services

Easy and convenient services

Regional Society

Environmental protection activities Regional revitalization

Regional contribution activities

Shareholders and


Profit return


Improvement of employees' pride and satisfaction in their work


Impact delivered

Social Value

Succession of an abundant natural environment for future generations

Growth of regional industries and companies

Comfortable and highly convenient lifestyles

Regional revitalization and local regrowth

Economic Value

Target Management


FY2023 Targets (Consolidated) Net profit: ¥16 billion

ROE: 4.5%

Declining and aging population

Prolonged low economic growth and


Changes in industrial structure

low interest rates

Digital shift in society and the economy


and corporate behavior

Diversification of work styles

Growing awareness of environmental

and values

and social issues


Top Message

Approach to Sustainability Policies

Initiatives in the Environmental Field

Policy on Sustainability Initiatives

Under its Sustainability Declaration, the San-in Godo Bank Group is committed to resolving issues to realize sustainable local communities in all areas of its business activities.

Sustainability Declaration

San-in Godo Bank Group endorses the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and strives to make sustainable regional societies possible through initiatives that solve regional issues.

Sustainability Declaration

https://www.gogin.co.jp/about/csr/sustainability/ (Japanese Only)

Social Initiatives

Corporate Governance Initiatives

Various Data

Sustainability Implementation Framework

The Bank established the Sustainability Committee to strengthen governance and pursue initiatives related to the SDGs and ESG. The Sustainability Promotion Office is solely responsible for planning and management related to sustainability at the Bank. The SDGs/ESG Promotion Working Group, consisting of representatives from each headquarters division, is responsible for cross-organizational initiatives. The Group Company Sustainability Liaison Committee holds meetings to communicate related policies and initiatives.

Board of Directors

Agenda-Setting and Reporting


Sustainability Committee

Sustainability Policies

Environmental Policy


Human Rights Policy


Investment and Loan Policy


Purchasing Activity Policy


  • Deliberate and make decisions on matters regarding critical medium- tolong-term issues (materialities) related to sustainability
  • Deliberate and make decisions on matters regarding SDGs/ESG initiatives
  • Report matters regarding the status of SDGs/ESG initiatives
  • Report, deliberate, and make decisions regarding matters concerning responses to climate change and other natural disasters

Sustainability Committee Members


President and Chief Executive Officer

(Representative Director)

Senior Managing Executive Officers

Managing Executive Officers


General Managers (Related Departments)

Audit and Supervisory Committee Members



Sustainability Promotion Office,

Management Planning Department

Sustainability Promotion Office, Management Planning Department


Group Company

SDGs/ESG Promotion Working

Group Company Sustainability


Liaison Committee


Top Message

Approach to Sustainability Policies

Initiatives in the Environmental Field

Social Initiatives

Corporate Governance Initiatives

Various Data

Policy on Sustainability Initiatives

Sustainability Committee Meetings (Since FY2022)




Major Issues and Items To Be Addressed



Future action in light of the

Discussion on future measures to be taken by the Bank based on the Supervisory Guidance on

Development and implementation of specific action plans to support the decarbonization

1st Meeting

FSA discussion paper

Climate-related Risk Management and Client Engagement released by the Financial Services

of our clients


Contribution to regional decarbonization by supplying renewable energy to the region with

May 23, 2022

Discussion paper abstract Specific initiatives

Gogin Energy at the core

Disclosure and enhancement of disclosure based on the TCFD recommendations

Actions related to

Report on the state of biodiversity conservation and discussion on initiative participation

Endorsement of TNFD and information disclosure based on TNFD guidelines

biodiversity conservation

Trends in Japan and overseas related to biodiversity conservation

Ascertaining which sectors and clients are affected, engagement activities

Overview of the TNFD (Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosure)

Incorporation into the Investment and Loan Policy

Joined Keidanren's Initiative based on the Declaration of Biodiversity


Scenario analysis based on

Discussion of overview for scenario analysis based on TCFD recommendations to measure the

Ongoing efforts to advance analytical methods

2nd Meeting

TCFD recommendations

impact of risks associated with physical damage due to climate change (physical risks) and risks

June 17, 2022

associated with increased regulation and transition to a decarbonized society (transition risks)


Disclosure of climate change

Report on new initiatives and disclosures regarding climate change action based on TCFD

Enhancing disclosure based on the TCFD recommendations

3rd Meeting

action in accord with the


July 22, 2022

TCFD recommendations

New initiatives:

(Governance) Holding meetings of the Group Company Sustainability Liaison Committee

(Strategy) Entry into renewable energy power generation business, scenario analysis


Publication of the

For production of the Sustainability Report 2022, discussion of report contents based on the

Enhancing compliance with the referenced guidelines, e.g., GRI Standards, TCFD

4th Meeting

Sustainability Report 2022

current trends in sustainability information disclosure and external evaluations


August 22, 2022

Specification of path to materiality identification

Expanding ESG data

Adding scenario analysis results, concentration of carbon-related exposures

Enhancing disclosure items related to human capital

Adding the director skill matrix


Status of ESG-related

Discussion on the status of ESG-related initiatives in the business plan and future policies

Strengthening collaboration with municipalities and stakeholders

5th Meeting

initiatives and future policies

Local efforts to promote the spread of SDGs/ESG

Support starting from the Gogin SDGs Management Support Service

September 12, 2022

Strengthening support for client decarbonization management

Establishing new institutional loans

Promoting sustainable finance

Scope 3 measurements

Initiatives to achieve carbon neutrality target

Expanding analysis of transition risk in scenario analysis

Enhancing disclosure based on the TCFD recommendations


Initiative policies on financial

Discussion of proactive approach to financial and economic education, focusing on the areas of

Informing and collaborate with each school and business partner

6th Meeting

and economic education

asset building and consumer contracts

Finance and economics education collaboration with Nomura Securities Co., Ltd.

December 9, 2022


Top Message

Approach to Sustainability Policies

Initiatives in the Environmental Field

Social Initiatives

Corporate Governance Initiatives

Various Data

Policy on Sustainability Initiatives

Sustainability Committee Meetings (Since FY2022)





Major Issues and Items To Be Addressed


Specific initiatives to achieve

Discussion initiatives to achieve GHG emission reduction targets in the medium-term management

Energy-saving measures

7th Meeting

GHG emission reduction

plan and toward carbon neutrality by 2030

Further introduction of renewable energy to other sites

February 16, 2023


Switching all electricity used in the head office and Tottori Headquarters building to electricity derived

Utilization of Gogin Energy Co., Ltd.

from renewable energy sources

Upgrade of air conditioning systems at the head office, operations center, and Tottori Headquarters


Signing onto the Women's

Discussion on signing onto the Women's Empowerment Principles

Spreading initiatives to local communities

Empowerment Principles


Formulation of ESG work

Discussion on the status of ESG-related initiatives in the business plan and future policies

Strengthening collaboration with local public bodies and stakeholders

8th Meeting

plan for FY2023

Local efforts to promote the spread of SDGs/ESG

Support starting from the Gogin SDGs Management Support Service

March 10, 2023

Strengthening support for business partners' decarbonization management

Establishing new institutional loans

Promoting sustainable finance

Expanding targets for Scope 3 measurement and streamlining data aggregation

Initiatives to achieve carbon neutrality target

Enhancing scenario analysis

Enhancing disclosure based on the TCFD recommendations


TCFD scenario analysis

Discussion of changes from FY2021 in scenario analysis of the impact of risks associated with

Ongoing efforts to advance analytical methods

9th Meeting

action policy

physical damage due to climate change (physical risks) and risks associated with increased

March 20, 2023

regulation and transition to a decarbonized society (transition risks)

Changes are as follows

(Physical risk) Added business shutdown as an impact

(Transition risk) Added some individual companies to scope of analysis after selecting high-risk sectors

Added changes in raw material prices and assets to impacts after selecting high-risk sectors


Establishment of human

Discussion on establishment of personnel development policy and internal environment

Establishing measurable indicators and targets consistent with each policy

1st Meeting

resources development policy

improvement policy discussions

April 24, 2023

and internal environment

Establishment of personnel development policy

improvement policy

Establishment of internal environment improvement policy


Revision of Human Rights

Discussion on policy revisions in accordance with guidelines and practical guidelines provided by the

Monitoring the supply chain

2nd Meeting


government and other organizations, and taking into account the requirements in international norms

June 12, 2023

and guidelines on human rights, in order to further strengthen efforts to respect human rights



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The San-in Godo Bank Ltd. published this content on 28 December 2023 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 27 December 2023 15:10:42 UTC.