Tiziana Life Sciences Ltd. announced that the company has successfully enrolled and dosed four new patients with non-active secondary progressive multiple sclerosis (na-SPMS) in the Brigham and Women's Hospital, a founding member of Mass General Brigham Healthcare System Expanded Access (EA) Program. A total of ten patients are now being followed in the EA Program. The Intermediate Size EA Program for na-SPMS represents a critical step forward in Tiziana Life Sciences' mission to provide treatment options for patients living with this debilitating disease while collecting valuable regulatory evidence about this novel investigational therapy.

The EA program with foralumab, a fully human anti-CD3, has allowed Tiziana to obtain information about dosing, and drug use, including patient feedback which is critical for the design of future studies. The September 2023 release of FDA guidance entitled "Guidance on Substantial and Confirmatory Evidence of Efficacy and Safety" addresses the use of EA programs to be considered as part of confirmatory evidence. To date, two patients have been dosed for more than one year and four additional patients have been dosed for six months, all without serious side effects.

These data are the first to combine imaging, immune-biomarkers, and clinical measures and safety data endpoints in patients receiving long-term intranasal foralumab. Tiziana recently initiated a Phase 2a trial in na-SPMS. Patients not eligible for the Phase 2a trial may be considered for the EA program.