Town Health International Medical Group Limited announced that Mr. Chan Chun Hong has resigned as a Director with effect from 18 September. Pursuant to the employment contract ("Employment Contract") dated 20 June 2023 and entered into between Mr. Chan and Town Health Corporate Advisory and Investments Limited (" THCAIL "), a subsidiary of the Company, in relation to the appointment of Mr. Chan as the Chairman, Mr. Chan shall, on or after termination of the Employment Contract, resign in writing from office held by him as director of any member of the Group and all other offices held by him with any member of the Group, failing which, THCAIL, which has been irrevocably and by way of security appointed by Mr. Chan as his attorney pursuant to the Employment Contract, is entitled to appoint some person in the name of and on behalf of Mr. Chan to sign, seal and deliver resignation to the relevant member of the Group. As the Employment Contract has been terminated and Mr. Chan has failed to resign as a Director on his own pursuant to the Employment Contract, THCAIL, after seeking relevant legal advice, has appointed a person in the name of and on behalf of Mr. Chan to sign, seal and deliver a resignation letter ("Resignation Letter") as a Director and such person accordingly signed, sealed and delivered to the Company the Resignation Letter on 18 September 2023.

Save that Mr. Chan disagreed with the view of the Board on his suitability to act as the Chairman and an executive Director; the re-designation of Mr. Chan from an executive Director to a non-executive Director; and his resignation as a Director as mentioned above, the Board is not aware of any disagreement between Mr. Chan and the Board or any matters that need to be brought to the attention of the Shareholders.