Toyam Industries Ltd. announced the signing of its partnership with EliteFit.AI. With a focus on building a platform that provides real-time feedback to users, India is about to experience a much-required change in the fitness markets. Concerns regarding form and accuracy during online fitness tutorials is universal. Hands flailing around in hopes that we're doing the correct thing, and spirits gradually deteriorating because, when the time comes, the results aren't great. Most fitness gurus tell that if are not followed properly the company won't see a result, but in these desperate times of online tutorials (which certainly aren't going anywhere), how will fitness followers ever know the truth about their form? Filling this void was long overdue, and the genius of humans and AI has yet once again, proven greatly influential for us. Real time accuracy? Check. HR's eternal problem of raising productivity? Check. Making sure you're achieving results in time? Check once again. EliteFit's B2B2C business model is here to lift you, employees and boss's efficiency. EliteFit.AI serves enterprises, fitness companies, content creators and end users. By providing real-time feedback to users on their workouts, EliteFit.Ai aims to provide a significant and meaningful differentiator to content creators and apps in the fitness industry.