Transmissora Aliança de Energia Elétrica S.A. announced earnings results for the second quarter of 2019. For the quarter, the company's income profit reached BRL 307.4 million, an increase of 11.3% were higher when compared to the second quarter 2018. With a higher operating income and maintenance income at BRL 6.5 million, this is a result of the adjustments of the 2018, 2019 cycle. The net income of the second quarter 2019 amounted to BRL 360.2 million with an annual drop of 13%, which was driven especially by the cut of 50% of the RAP of some concessions.

The company's board approved the maximum distribution of net income distributor - which is distributable in the amount of BRL 248.7 million. The payment related to this distribution will happen on August 19 based on the shareholding position of August 8, 2019.