From: TVN S.A.
Issued on: September 3, 2015
Subject: Sale transaction of the shares of TVN S.A. by a person from the managerial level of the Company, who has a constant access to the confidential information and is competent to take decisions on the development and perspectives of the Company.
Current report no. 60/2015
The Management Board of TVN S.A. (the "Company") reports hereby, that it was informed that a person from the managerial level of the Company, who has a constant access to the confidential information and is competent to take decisions on the development and perspectives of the Company sold 120,200 shares of TVN S.A. at a price of PLN 20.00 per share on September 1, 2015 in response to tender offer announced by Southbank Media Limited.
Legal basis: § 160 sec. 4 of Act of trading in financial instruments
Signed by:
Markus Tellenbach
President of the Management Board
John Driscoll
Vice President of the Management Board, CFO

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