Unisync Corp. announced that C. Scott Shepherd has been appointed to its board of directors. Ontario, Scott has served on numerous Corporate Boards and Not-For-Profit entities. Skilled in negotiation, business planning and international business, he is known for his customer relationships and teambuilding. Scott is the National Chair of the Canadian Forces Liaison Council (CFLC), working closely with the Canadian Armed Forces and business leaders across Canada to forge better relationships for deployments of the Canadian Reserve Force, with over 170 volunteers and 35 Reserve Force personnel supporting and reporting to him. Scott was the founder and chief executive of Northstar Trade Finance Inc. Scott is also the founder and chair of the scholarship foundation for the children of fallen peace officers across Canada. This is funded through the activities of the Memorial Ribbon Society. Past volunteer activities have included being vice-chairman of the Richmond Hospital foundation, honorary President of St. John Ambulance British Columbia, serving on the St. George's and York House School boards and was the Honorary Consul for Uruguay for British Columbia, Alberta and The Yukon until May 2018, when he retired.