United Arab Bank P.J.S.C (UAB) confirmed the appointment of Anthony Murphy as Chief Financial Officer (CFO), who has been Acting CFO since November 2015. The bank has also confirmed the appointment of Dima Al Sous as Head of Legal, and has named longtime Senior Vice President, Maha Azzam, as Head of Transformation - a newly created role at UAB.Anthony is a Chartered Accountant (CIMA) with over 15 years' experience within the financial services sector in the United Kingdom and Middle East. He joined UAB in 2013 and has been operating as Acting CFO, where he has and will continue to be a key contributor to the Bank's transformation strategy.

Dima has been part of UAB's legal team for the past seven years during which she worked on delivering legal solutions and guidance to the Bank. Dima is a qualified lawyer with an LLM degree and over 15 years' experience practicing as in house legal counsel in the UAE and Jordan. Maha has held a series of senior managerial and leadership roles across UAB.