Tottenham Hotspur (“The Club”) has announced VivoPower International PLC as its Official Battery Technology Partner until the end of the 2021/22 season. Tottenham Hotspur was recently named the English Premier League’s greenest club following a study carried out by BBC Sport and the UN-backed Sport Positive Summit. The first-of-its-kind partnership forms part of Tottenham Hotspur’s wider aims to minimise the environmental impacts of its activities across all Club operations. VivoPower will now undertake a review of Tottenham Hotspur’s stadium and training centre to explore future solutions that could help the Club accelerate towards becoming a net zero carbon business. It is envisaged VivoPower will supply a large, solid state battery with capacity of more than 3 MW at the stadium to balance and guarantee the venue’s power supply. A full-suite sustainable energy solution – including rooftop solar panels, battery storage, custom microgrid controls and electrical infrastructure – will also be designed for the Club’s training centre. The Club is a signatory of the UN Sports for Climate Action Framework, demonstrating its commitment to playing its part to ensure the sports sector is on the path to a low-carbon future, in line with the aims of the Paris Agreement. Last year, Tottenham Hotspur also became a founding partner of Count Us In, a global movement aiming to mobilise 1 billion people in the fight against climate change. Tottenham Hotspur is already offsetting its carbon footprint in a myriad of different ways – to date, the Club has planted thousands of new and semi-mature trees and tens of thousands of new plants, hedges and flowers across its training centre to establish an ecological habitat. VivoPower has also acquired marketing rights as the Club’s Official Battery Technology Partner for cash consideration, with brand visibility on digital signage at Tottenham Hotspur home matches and regular content on the Club’s popular social media channels to amplify VivoPower’s purpose and presence to a global audience.