Volpara Health Technologies Ltd. will showcase its latest software advancements for breast centers at the 2024 National Consortium of Breast Centers (NCBC) conference, March 15-19 in Las Vegas. Volpara will feature Lunit's INSIGHT?? AI-software for early cancer detection alongside the company's suite of solutions for assessing breast density, evaluating cancer risk, and mammography quality.

Volpara previously announced it entered into a Scheme Implementation Agreement with Lunit®?. If the scheme is approved by Volpara shareholders and ultimately implemented, it is expected to be complete in Second Quarter 2024. Regardless of the outcome of the scheme, a distribution agreement allows Volpara to sell Lunit's products immediately and offer a comprehensive suite that uses AI to enhance the mammography journey from screening to diagnosis.

Members of Volpara's Hive, the exclusive digital community for Volpara Health customers, will also gather at NCBC to discuss the latest AI research for breast centers. The Hive recently surpassed 1,000 members from diverse healthcare systems, imaging groups and breast centers, who connect online with peers and Volpara experts to knowledge share, access resources and spread best practices. Singing River addresses health disparities with Volpara Tami Hudson, RN, BSN, BHCN, CGRA, Breast Health Navigator, at Singing River Health System will present during the NCBC Clinical Post-Conference: Complexities of High-Risk Breast Care on Tuesday, March 19.

Hudson's presentation will review the clinical impact of making cancer risk assessment standard for every patient receiving a mammogram at four breast centers. The health system is located in a state that often ranks low in health outcomes and health literacy. Singing River Health System has used Volpara®?

Risk Pathways®? cancer risk assessment software to identify patients at elevated risk who are eligible for breast MRI or genetic testing over the past three years.