Voyager Therapeutics, Inc. announced the appointment of Jacquelyn Fahey Sandell as Chief Legal Officer (CLO). Fahey Sandell brings more than 25 years of legal experience spanning in-house roles at multiple biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies. She most recently served as CLO, Corporate Secretary, and Compliance Officer of Jounce Therapeutics, Inc. In her most recent role at Jounce Therapeutics, Fahey Sandell was responsible for all legal matters, including supporting key license agreements with Gilead and the company’s merger agreement with Concentra Biosciences, LLC.

Prior to joining Jounce, Fahey Sandell served as Vice President, General Counsel and Company Secretary at Vericel Corporation, where her achievements included supporting the launch and commercialization of MACI®, a biologic/device combination for knee pain. Fahey Sandell previously held senior positions at Millennium: The Takeda Oncology Company and Genzyme Corporation, and she has worked at multiple top-tier law firms. Fahey Sandell holds a B.A. from Duke University and a J.D. from Boston University School of Law.