Walaa Cooperative Insurance Company announces the signing of insurance agreement with Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Aramco) for providing insurance coverage on Energy, Property, Motor, Marine and others. Contract Subject Matter: Insurance coverage on Energy, Property, Motor, Marine and others. Date of Signing the Contract: 2022-03-31 Corresponding to 1443-08-28 Contract Value: The contract value exceeds 5% of the gross written premiums of the company for 2021.

Contract Details: Walaa Cooperative Insurance Company announces that it has received on Thursday 31/03/2022 (Corresponding to 28/08/1443H) the confirmation from Saudi Arabian Oil Company (Aramco) to provide insurance coverage starting from 01/04/2022. Contract Duration: One year starting from 01/04/2022. Financial Impact and the Relevant Period: The financial impact of the policy will appear on the financial results of the year 2022.