Watta Holding Berhad appointed MR GOH THIH LIANG as Independent and Non Executive Director. Date of change 21 Aug. 2023.

Age 62, Gender Male, Nationality Malaysia. Working experience and occupation Past occupation: (1) Qualcomm Inc: Country Director for Malaysia, Thailand and Philippines, (2) TY Toys Inc: Country Manager, Malaysia, (3) Motorola Inc: Country Manager, Malaysia, (4) O'Connor's Bhd: Divisional Manager. Experience: - Sales and Marketing of handsets, PCs, Wifi products, - Managing people and relationship building, - IoT for enterprises and manufacturing, - Technologies on 3G, 4G and 5G,- Vehicle infotainment.

Directorships in public companies and listed issuers (if any): (1) Watta Holding Berhad.