The board of directors of the Luen Wong Group Holdings Limited announced that Mr. So Kwok Hung ("Mr. So") has tendered his resignation as an executive Director and the chairman of the Board with effect from 31 May 2022. Mr. So was appointed as an executive Director on 16 November 2017 and redesignated as the chairman of the Board with effect from 21 May 2018. Following the resignation of Mr. So, he ceased to be one of the authorised representative of the Company (the " Authorised Representative") under Rule 5.24 of the GEM Listing Rules of the Stock Exchange, the chairman of the nomination committee (the "Nomination Committee") and the compliance officer of the Company (the "Compliance Officer") with effective from 31 May 2022 as Mr. So would like to devote more time and focus on his other business commitment.

Mr. So confirmed that he has no disagreement with the Board and that there are no other matters in relation to his resignation that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company or the Stock Exchange. The Board further announced the appointment of Ms. Lau Wing Yu as an executive Director of the Company, Authorised Representative and Compliance Officer with effect from 31 May 2022. The particulars of Ms. Lau Wing Yu are set out below: The Board further announces that following the resignation of Mr. So as announced above, Mr. So has ceased to be the chairman of Nomination Committee and Mr. Liao Honghao, an independent non-executive Director of the Company, has been appointed as the chairman of Nomination Committee with effect from 31 May 2022.