ZeroFox announced its continued partnership with a strategic U.S. federal agency focused on cybersecurity. This renewal marks the 9th continuous year of ZeroFox supporting critical cyber threat intelligence activities. The partnership originated between the agency and LookingGlass Cyber Solutions, which ZeroFox acquired in April earlier this year.

This program supports thousands of users across more than 200 departments and agencies across federal, state, and local governments to provide cyber threat intelligence, attack surface Intelligence, and advanced security operations support. ZeroFox products are integrated into core operational systems, and are often the primary means of consuming Automated Indicator Sharing (AIS), required by all federal agencies. ZeroFox provides government organizations with critical visibility, deep intelligence, and automated protection necessary to identify and address threats outside the perimeter.

Using a global data collection apparatus, artificial intelligence-based analysis, and automated remediation, ZeroFox products reduce risk, disrupt and dismantle attackers' infrastructure, and protect organizations against targeted nation-state-sponsored cyberattacks.