ZeU Technologies Inc. appointed Mr. Alexander Martin as its Chief Financial Officer and a director of the Company. Mr. Martin will take over the seat of the Honorable Lord Timothy Razzle, who had vacated his seat on the board of directors earlier in the day, effective immediately. Mr. Martin has over 33 years of experience as a Chartered Accountant in the United Kingdom with a Bachelor of Economics degree from the University of Nottingham.

He runs a tax and finance consultancy in Barcelona, Spain, a Corporate Finance Advisory within the U.K., and a phytopharmaceutical consultancy for finance and logistics. Mr. Martin ran his own practice in Barcelona from 2003 to 2014. Before this, he was a Senior Manager at Ernst and Young Spain, a Manager at Ernst Young U.K., and initially a Senior at Pridie Brewster Chartered Accountants U.K. He has acted as a director on a mining venture in Peru and with a Blockchain logistics company in Sweden, working with lawyers to develop tokens within the newly regulated framework of that time.

He is highly skilled as a corporate finance professional and business development advisor. He is particularly focused on startup and high-growth businesses. Mr. Martin is multilingual, including Spanish, Catalan, French, and English.