Zevra Therapeutics, Inc. announced changes to the Company's Board of Directors and leadership. At the Company's recent 2023 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, Zevra shareholders elected John B. Bode, Douglas W. Calder and Corey Watton to Zevra's Board. Additionally, as previously announced, Wendy L. Dixon, Ph.D., joined the Zevra Board on the date of the Annual Meeting.

After the Annual Meeting, Zevra's newly configured Board met and unanimously approved the given changes: Tamara A. Favorito was unanimously appointed Chair of the Board. Directors Matthew R. Plooster and Joseph B. Saluri, J.D. have indicated that they will not stand for re-election at the Company's 2024 Annual Meeting, and that they intend to retire as soon as replacements are found.