ETFs tracking Silver prices attracted another +$112,29M of inflows on Friday’s market session, while the commodity’s performance jumped by +1,53%. As lockdowns are gradually easing and businesses reopen globally, industrial demand for silver is rising. At the same time, silver mining production has dropped with the shutdowns, and both effects are contributing to push the commodity’s price up. Over the last thirty days, Silver gained +4,86% while inflows reached up to +$940,97M. After suffering a huge drawdown in March, where prices fell -34%, Silver ETFs are nearly back to positive territory on a year-to-date basis (-0,84%). Investors have kept accumulating through the highs and lows, and Silver ETFs have registered more than $2,79Bn of cumulative inflows so far in 2020. 27 funds tracking 9 indices are included in the TrackInsight Silver ETFs segment for a total of $12,7Bn of assets under management.

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