Wheat Production by Class - United States: 2019 and Forecasted July 1, 2020 
[Wheat class estimates are based on the latest available data including both surveys and 
administrative data. The previous end-of-year season class percentages are used throughout the 
forecast season for States that do not have survey or administrative data available] 
         Crop        :                2019          :         2020 
                     :                        1,000 bushels 
Winter               : 
Hard red ............:               833,181                 710,306 
Soft red ............:               239,166                 280,309 
Hard white ..........:                19,954                  15,476 
Soft white ..........:               211,702                 211,693 
Spring               : 
Hard red ............:               521,557                 502,183 
Hard white ..........:                11,831                  13,036 
Soft white ..........:                28,992                  35,006 
Durum ...............:                53,756                  55,580 
Total ............   :             1,920,139               1,823,589 