Network origin in Eric Powell first degree

EntityEntity typeIndustry
Public Company Internet Retail 41

Chart of Companies connected to the second degree

Multi-company connection

Companies connected to Eric Powell via their personal network

CompanySectorRelated peopleMain position

Andrew Jassy

Wendell Weeks

Jamie Gorelick

Christine Beauchamp

Edith Cooper

Undergraduate Degree

Masters Business Admin

Graduate Degree

Masters Business Admin

Undergraduate Degree

Princeton University College/University

Jeffrey Bezos

Christine Beauchamp

Doug Herrington

Undergraduate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

Undergraduate Degree

HP INC. Computer Processing Hardware

Jonathan Rubinstein

Peter Krawiec

Neil Lindsay

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

Lehigh University College/University

Wendell Weeks

Hao Tian

Director/Board Member

Undergraduate Degree

PEPSICO, INC. Food: Specialty/Candy

Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi

Edith Cooper

Chief Executive Officer

Director/Board Member

Data Processing Services

Andrew Jassy

Matt Garman

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Executive Officer

Kellogg School of Management College/University

Peter Krawiec

Edith Cooper

Masters Business Admin

Masters Business Admin

Harvard Business School College/University

Andrew Jassy

Doug Herrington

Masters Business Admin

Masters Business Admin

Investment Trusts/Mutual Funds

Jamie Gorelick

Daniel Huttenlocher

Director/Board Member

Corporate Officer/Principal

CORNING INCORPORATED Electronic Components

Wendell Weeks

Daniel Huttenlocher

Chief Executive Officer

Director/Board Member


Jonathan Rubinstein

Daniel Huttenlocher

Graduate Degree

Corporate Officer/Principal


Jamie Gorelick

Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi

Director/Board Member

Director/Board Member


Patricia Stonesifer

Panos Panay

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

Massachusetts Institute of Technology College/University

Indra Krishnamurthy Nooyi

Daniel Huttenlocher

Director/Board Member

Doctorate Degree

Other Consumer Services

Patricia Stonesifer

Edith Cooper

Corporate Officer/Principal

Corporate Officer/Principal

Publishing: Newspapers

Jeffrey Bezos

Patricia Stonesifer

Corporate Officer/Principal

Chief Executive Officer

University of Michigan College/University

Daniel Huttenlocher

Undergraduate Degree

Specialty Stores

Christine Beauchamp

Director/Board Member

Packaged Software

Daniel Huttenlocher

Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer

Investment Managers

Wes Herman

Consultant / Advisor

CAFEPRESS INC Catalog/Specialty Distribution

Wes Herman

Corporate Officer/Principal

Computer Peripherals

Daniel Huttenlocher

Corporate Officer/Principal

Information Technology Services

Wes Herman

Corporate Officer/Principal

Investment Trusts/Mutual Funds

Daniel Huttenlocher


Mit Schwarzman College of Computing College/University

Daniel Huttenlocher

Corporate Officer/Principal


Wes Herman

Chief Executive Officer

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte College/University

Wes Herman

Masters Business Admin

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Wes Herman

Consultant / Advisor

THE COCA-COLA COMPANY Beverages: Non-Alcoholic

Wes Herman

Director/Board Member

ANN INC Apparel/Footwear Retail

Christine Beauchamp

Corporate Officer/Principal

University of Edith Cowan College/University

Neil Lindsay

Undergraduate Degree

Michael G. Foster School of Business College/University

Shelley Reynolds

Undergraduate Degree

QUALCOMM, INC. Semiconductors

Jonathan Rubinstein

Director/Board Member

Martha's Table, Inc.

Patricia Stonesifer

Chief Executive Officer

Investment Trusts/Mutual Funds

Patricia Stonesifer

Director/Board Member

Co-Impact Philanthropic Funds, Inc.

Patricia Stonesifer

Director/Board Member


Jonathan Rubinstein


APPLE INC. Telecommunications Equipment

Jonathan Rubinstein

Corporate Officer/Principal

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Jonathan Rubinstein

Corporate Officer/Principal

Information Technology Services

Jonathan Rubinstein

Corporate Officer/Principal

Computer Processing Hardware

Jonathan Rubinstein

Chief Executive Officer

Colorado State University College/University

Jonathan Rubinstein

Graduate Degree

Computer Processing Hardware

Jonathan Rubinstein


HP Personal Systems Group Co.

Jonathan Rubinstein

Corporate Officer/Principal

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Shelley Reynolds

Corporate Officer/Principal

Investment Managers

Jonathan Rubinstein

Chief Executive Officer

ROBINHOOD MARKETS, INC. Investment Banks/Brokers

Jonathan Rubinstein

Director/Board Member

Miscellaneous Commercial Services

Jonathan Rubinstein

Corporate Officer/Principal



United States 48
Mauritius 2
Australia 2
Kenya 2


Consumer Services 16
Electronic Technology 9
Technology Services 6
Commercial Services 6
Finance 5


Director/Board Member 99
Corporate Officer/Principal 83
Independent Dir/Board Member 30
Undergraduate Degree 24
Chairman 23