Caracas.- The People's Minister for Petroleum and Mining and President of Petróleos de Venezuela, SA (PDVSA), Rafael Ramirez announced the signing of an addendum to the existing energy cooperation agreements between Venezuela and the sister Republics of Uruguay and Argentina  to supplement the food supply in our country.

The signatures were held in Havana, Cuba, where the Second Presidential Summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) is taking place,  it is  bringing  together the 33 countries of the regional bloc.  The agreements were signed by the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, with their counterparts José Mujica of Uruguay and Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner of Argentina.

"In the oil bill we have with Uruguay it may be used in half through the Bolivar Artigas Fund to bring food to our country as required. Under these agreements, we are delivering 20 billion barrels of oil, equivalent to six million barrels a year to supply  La Teja refinery in Montevideo. This negotiation results in $ 160 million annually. So with half of that bill, which previously was to be funded in the long term, we will be able to bring in short-term food and other products directly from the sister Republic of Uruguay, "Ramirez said.

Economic Area Vice President said "also on Tuesday 28, President Maduro and the president of Argentina stated that the oil mechanisms that we have in place between the two countries then become an instrument to bring products to Venezuela and to meet the needs of our village facing the problems we have in some areas. Through these oil agreements, we will point  sectors such as food, agricultural machinery, pesticides, chemicals, among others. "

Thus, the opportunities for regional cooperation and energy deals boost our country driven by the strengthening of the Patria Grande which is our America.

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