Accenture continued to expand its capability to assess, design, implement, scale and monitor AI systems in a responsible way to help its clients across industries drive value and growth. The current rise of AI is unlike previous waves of innovation?the technology, regulation and business adoption are accelerating exponentially and simultaneously, creating a unique set of challenges and implications for organizations. With the appointment of its first chief responsible AI officer, Accenture is taking steps to expand its responsible AI capabilities, solutions, platforms, ecosystem partnerships and thought leadership including: Expanding advisory and technology services to help companies establish policies, principles and standards and implement them through risk assessments and testing frameworks, powered by technology, assets and platforms, as well as ongoing monitoring and compliance, including navigate evolving regulatory landscapes, such as the EU AI Act.

Introducing managed services that monitor AI solutions, systems and controls to help companies comply with fast-changing regulations. Investing in capabilities in gen AI testing, ongoing compliance, regulation management and security, and scaling these with its ecosystem partners. Focusing on education and empowerment through responsible AI academies for Accenture people and for clients, including their boards of directors and top leadership.

With a rich history of leading with responsible AI, Accenture will also extend the focus of its research partnerships, including with Stanford, MIT and the World Economic Forum, as well as expand its roles as a leading voice on responsible AI standards and governance. Combined with its work with ecosystem partners and experience with more than 1,000 generative AI client projects, Accenture is bringing its clients the capabilities they need to implement AI rapidly and safely throughout the enterprise.