Advanced Petrochemical Company )Advanced( is pleased to announce to shareholders the opening of nominations for membership to the Board of Directors at its third. The position will be for a period of three years, starting from 01/10/2013 and is available only to those who have contributed at least a nominal value of ten thousand Riyals (SAR 10,000). Nominations are to be received by Advanced management no later than end of business Sunday, 25/08/2013 and should be in accordance with the terms of the dissemination of His Excellency Minister of Trade and Industry No. 222/9362/3245 dated 18/06/1412 AH, as well as the dissemination of His Excellency Minister of Trade and Industry No. 222/205/3800 dated 26/12/1420 AH. The nomination should also have an e-form attached to it, to include information of the candidate as follows:

1 Details of the candidate in terms of curriculum vitae, qualifications and experience in the area of advanced business.

2 Indicate the number and the periods of membership of the boards of joint stock companies of which the candidate has been a member.

3 Statement of all the public companies of which the candidate is still a member.

4 Statement of all the companies or institutions in a similar industry that the candidate has participated in through either management or ownership.

5 If the candidate has previously served as a member of the Board of Directors of Advanced, the nomination must be accompanied by a statement with details of the last session that the candidate was a member of the Board with the following information:

a) Number of meetings of the Board of Directors that took place during each year of the session with the number of meetings attended by the candidate, and the percentage of the total meetings attended.
b) All the Committees of which the candidate was a member, the number of meetings held by each of these committees during each year of the session with the number of meetings attended by the candidate and the percentage of the total meetings attended.

c) Summary of financial results achieved by Advanced during each year of the session.
6 A clear copy of the nominee's ID, and the following contact information (mobile number, fax, office telephone and email address).

The candidate must also fill out the CMA form according to a circular body number (4/2359) dated 3/28/2010.
All nominations should be sent to Advanced Petrochemical Company P.O. Box 11022 Jubail 31962 attention to Board Secretary. For any information or clarification please contact on Tel: 033566061, Fax: 033566005

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