Aeva and Joowon Industrial, a South Korean global distributor and supplier of world-class testing equipment, announced that Joowon has selected Aeva?s Aeries II 4D LiDAR for its automated power line inspection and analysis system. Power line inspection and analysis is a crucial yet predominantly manual process for most utilities. The inspection process entails deploying a considerable number of inspectors who physically survey the utility's service area and assess the condition of the lines.

Their tasks encompass identifying worn components, pinpointing hot spots that may signify issues, and noting potential interference from vegetation. This process is costly and time-intensive, necessitating regular inspection to uphold the reliability of the power grid. Joowon Industrial's TADS (Thermography Auto analysis Diagnosis System) is an automated solution for this process.

A vehicle outfitted with sensors including GPS, azimuth sensors, traditional cameras, infrared sensors and LiDAR automatically capture images of the lines and analyze them for potential issues. According to Joowon, the automated TADS system can process up to three-times more locations than the previous manual process, and the system improves the issue detection rate from 120%-200%. TADS empowers electric contracting companies to achieve approximately 80% savings on overhead power line inspection and management.

Recently, Joowon's TADS system adopted Aeva?s 4D LiDAR technology to construct a multi-dimensional model of power lines and the surrounding vegetation swiftly and accurately. This advancement is expected to yield further reductions in costs and enhancements in the quality of powerline inspection processes.