Aion Therapeutic Inc. announced the opening of the Aion International Center for Psychedelic Psychiatry, a first of its kind, in Kingston, Jamaica. The Center will initially specialize in the use of psilocybin for the treatment of addiction (tobacco, alcohol and other drug misuse), treatment-resistant depression and anxiety associated with life-threatening illnesses. In addition, the Center will be studying the effectiveness of psilocybin as a new therapy for opioid addiction, Alzheimer's disease, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and anorexia nervosa. The Aion International Center for Psychedelic Psychiatry, in addition to treating patients, looks forward to collaborating with The UWI and other tertiary institutions in Jamaica in the research and development of cutting-edge, effective and safe products for treating patients with mental illness. The Center also recognizes the importance of regulating the psychedelic industry and looks forward to working closely with the MOHW in Jamaica as they move towards setting up this very important regulatory body. Upon opening, the Aion International Center for Psychedelic Psychiatry will be accessible for both Jamaican and international patients.