Non-Financial Strategy

Human Resource Strategy

Important Sustainability Issue 5

Links between Our Management and Human Resource Strategies

Providing products and services in every health-related field to become a Healthcare Consortium

Group human resource strategy

Formulating human resource goals and steps to

Improving HR management skills and

Promoting the active participation of seniors

achieve them by job type to develop strong expertise

building a Group HR database

Fostering diversity

Enhancing Group training and

Increasing employee engagement

recruitment activities

Key requirements for Group employees

1. Strong sense of mission for work that supports life

A high sense of mission is one of the values required of an employee involved in work that supports life.


2. High ethical standards that earn trust

to venture into

This is an important attribute for cultivating the sense of trust that is essential to be entrusted with

uncharted areas


life-related work.

Ability to adapt

3. Willingness to venture into uncharted areas


to changing

This is the most important requirement for creating new value and business under the management

needed for


environment at any given time.

sustainable growth

4. Ability to adapt to changing environments


The ability to adapt quickly to new business opportunities and work environments, and to fully leverage

High ethical

unique capabilities, contributes to the results of the team.


5. Strong expertise needed for sustainable growth


of mission

that earn trust

for work that

As they work with one another, every employee needs to possess a wealth of knowledge and experi-

supports life

ence and display their individuality and talents in order to enable the functions necessary for sustain-

able growth of the Group.

To achieve sustainable growth over the long term, the Alfresa Group's long-term goal is to become a "Healthcare Consortium that provides products and services in every health-related field." We believe that human resources are our most important asset for realizing this growth and that they are the driving force behind the Group's growth.

Our medium-term management plan outlines how we will become a Healthcare Consortium through the "enhancement of business models and creation of new value" and by realizing the "contribution to local health and treatments through united Group efforts." The plan also sets forth how we will reinforce the foundations of each business-the Ethical Pharmaceuticals Wholesaling Business, the Self-Medication Products Wholesaling Business, the Manufacturing Business, and the Medical-RelatedBusiness-as well as building up the entire Group on the organizational and human resource fronts.

To create total supply chain services and generate new value, we will expand functions such as development, API, manufacturing, logistics, sales, introduction/construction of digital technology, data services, and drug administration/ treatment, and formulate a collaborative team and set roles that will enable the entire Group to contribute to the achievement of the Community Health Care Vision. We will achieve this across the Group.To achieve these goals, we believe it is essential to appoint and position professionals with strong expertise who have abundant knowledge and experience in the necessary functions to achieve the sustainable growth of the Group, allowing them to demonstrate their individuality and talent fully.

We have established a Group human resource strategy to promote integrated efforts to achieve the Group's management policies. The strategy includes various HR-related measures based on the desired talent profile for each job category (10 categories). Additionally, the Group Human Resource Committee holds regular meetings to promote a unified approach to realizing the human resource strategy.

Under the human resource strategy, the head of the Group Human Resources Department convened 13 meetings to discuss planning, implementation, and deployment, reaching an agreement in conjunction with the presidents of each Group company. The Human Resource Committee will continue to drive the PDCA cycle, focusing on enhancing the effectiveness of the initiatives under the human resource strategy.

Rollout at individual

companies based on

the Group human


resource strategy

Discussions of the human

on the human

Group human resource strategy

resource strategy by people

resource strategy

Sharing of issues following rollout

in the Group in charge of

Group human

resource strategy

human resources

Consensus-building on the human

Rollout at individual

Rollout at individual Rollout at individual Rollout at individual Rollout at individual Rollout at individual Rollout at individual

Discussion of the direction the

resource strategy, including Group


companies companies companies companies companies companies

company presidents

Group is heading

Alfresa Group Integrated Report 2023


Non-Financial Strategy

Human Resource Strategy

Group Human Resource Strategy for Becoming a Healthcare Consortium

due to a spouse's transfer. We will enhance our internal

Promoting the Active Participation of Seniors

The Alfresa Group needs from its employees a willingness to venture into uncharted areas, the ability to adapt to changing environments, high ethical standards that earn trust, a strong sense of mission for work that supports life, and the strong expertise needed for sustainable growth. We aim to be a collection of strong individuals, where people within the Alfresa Group put their individuality and talents on display while working together to achieve the Group's goals.

To realize the ideal laid out in the Group's principles of becoming a "Healthcare Consortium that provides products and services in every health-related field," we have developed a Group human resource strategy that has six components: formulating human resource goals and steps to achieve them, by job type, to develop strong expertise; improving HR management skills and building a Group HR database; promoting the active participation of seniors; fostering diversity; enhancing Group training and recruitment activities; and increasing employee engagement.

Human Resource Goals Aimed at Enhancing Expertise, by Job Type

We believe it is essential to promote and place professional human resources with strong expertise, who have abundant knowledge and experience and can fully demonstrate their individuality and talent. To this end, we have established 10 job categories based on customer service, logistics, science, production, corporate functions, and advanced specialty

Improving HR Management Skills and Building a Group HR Database

We will introduce a Groupwide talent management system with the aim of securing human resources to support the sustainable growth of the Group, strategically placing the right people in the right positions to enhance corporate value and shifting to high-value-added tasks by streamlining HR operations through digital transformation (DX). As a first step, we plan to introduce a talent management system at each Group company in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024. The second step, starting in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, will be to integrate the Group's HR database and establish a data collection environment so we can foster job matching throughout the Group. We intend to maximize corporate value by promoting autonomous career development and facilitating the appropriate personnel placement.

2nd STEP

Groupwide talent management system

Secure human resources

Place the right people in

Shift to high-value-added

to promote the sustain-

the right positions to

tasks by streamlining HR

able growth of the Group

enhance corporate value

operations through DX

Group HR database

1st STEP

application system to facilitate these changes. To promote the appointment of women to management positions, we will drive a mindset shift among executives and managers regarding diversity and implement Groupwide support and programs to foster the development of female leaders and potential candidates.

The Alfresa Group's Diversity Policy



As of March 31, 2022

As of March 31, 2023

Percentage of female managers

Targets for Women in Management Positions

At least 6.0% in the Alfresa Group by the

fiscal year ending March 31, 2026

At least 10.0% in the Alfresa Group by the

fiscal year ending March 31, 2031

Data on Promoting Women's Participation and Diversity (Groupwide)

The Alfresa Group aims to create a highly productive organization where all individuals, regardless of age, can maximize their abilities, as well as promote the transfer of skills to younger generations. To fully utilize senior employees' past experiences and skills, we are also considering their placement and employment in fields where they can make the most of their expertise.

Anticipating that the workforce will continue to shrink, we are considering extending the applicable age for our mandatory retirement system to 70, and we have introduced an executive retirement system. We are also promoting the appointment and placement of talented individuals, utilizing their expertise and extensive experience. Through such initia- tives, the Alfresa Group aims to support the active participation of talented people, both young and senior, accumulate knowledge and experience throughout the organization, and be a Group where individuals can demonstrate their unique personalities and talents.

Enhancing Group Training and Recruitment Activities

To foster strong individuals with solid expertise and to collectively become a robust organization, we have developed a human resource development program centered on two pillars: the Groupwide promotion of talent development and individual talent development unique to each Group company. As part of the former, we have put in place programs that aim

functions. To achieve advanced specialized functions in each category, we have introduced a new career path (called the Professional Career Group) in our personnel system. With this addition, we will promote career development focused on enhancing expertise in each job category.

Individual talent

Individual talent

Individual talent

Individual talent





systems for each

systems for each

systems for each

systems for each

Group company

Group company

Group company

Group company

Number of female executive officers*2

Percentage of female managers (%)










to foster career development, enhance the management skills of executives and managers, and improve overall awareness (including heightened awareness of the Group's mission, diversity, and compliance, which form the foundation of the entire Group). Under the second pillar, individual talent

Human Resource Goals, by Job Type

(10 Categories)

  1. Healthcare marketing specialist
  2. Medical marketing specialist


3. Self-medication marketing specialist


  1. Pharmacist
  2. Dispensing pharmacy administration

6. Logistics



Professional Career

Career Group


New career path in the human

resource system

Enhancing human resource development for individual Group

Fostering Diversity

We need people who can work together to achieve sustainable growth despite a shrinking working population. Following the Alfresa Group's Diversity Policy, we actively embrace diverse talent with abilities and expertise and create an environment where they can choose diverse workstyles. We foster a corporate culture where everyone who works together can thrive and maximize their abilities and expertise.

The Alfresa Group is committed to achieving a sustainable organization where all employees can continue to thrive




Percentage of female regular employees (%)

Percentage of female new employees (%)

Average years of service of female employees

Average years of service of male employees

Difference of average years of service between female and male employees
















development, we conduct training programs tailored to specific job roles to enhance expertise, as well as training programs addressing specific challenges unique to each Group company. Furthermore, to propel our efforts to foster strong individuals and become a robust organization, we will actively recruit talented individuals with specific expertise who can contribute immediately.

To facilitate employees' autonomous career development, we provide support for acquiring qualifications that require commuting to school in terms of expenses and leave time. To sustain continuous growth and create value in a rapidly changing environment, the Alfresa Group will continue

7. Science (research, development, reliability guarantee, etc.)

8. Production

9. Corporate functions (Administration Division)

General Career Group

companies and the

regardless of their life stage. In addition to actively recruiting and promoting women, we aim to realize diverse workstyles by implementing measures such as job changes and cross-­

Number of elderly workers (over age 60)

Number of workers with disabilities







strengthening such efforts related to human resources.

10. Advanced specialty functions (new business development, etc.)

entire Group

organizational job matching to accommodate life changes such as childbirth, child-rearing, caregiving, or relocation

*1 Number of full-time employees, excluding the "number of female executive officers" *2 Includes directors, Audit & Supervisory Board members, executive officers, and

some Company officers

*3 Ratios declined due to changes in the HR system in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022.


Alfresa Group Integrated Report 2023

Alfresa Group Integrated Report 2023


Non-Financial Strategy

Human Resource Strategy

Group Training Record (As of March 31, 2023)

Training program and purpose


No. of

No. of






Director and executive officer training

Acquire a basic mindset as management,

Directors and executive officers

Around 15

3 times

60 hours

increase Company decision-making


AEP (Alfresa Group Executive Program)

Develop next-generation management

General managers

Around 15

8 times

70 hours

ASPAC (Alfresa Group Study Program

Cultivate global thinking and perspective

Branch/section managers to

Around 15

7 times

60 hours

Abroad Course)

executive officers/general managers

ABS (Alfresa Group Business School)

Nurture candidates for next-generation

Section managers to

Around 17

9 times

70 hours


young branch managers

Training of female candidates for leader-

Train next-generation female leaders

Women in chief and

Around 20

2 times

41 hours

ship positions

assistant manager positions

Training for women in sales

Explore and take measures to address

Women in sales positions

Around 270

1 time

6 hours

issues faced by women in sales positions

Diversity management training

Promote understanding of diversity as a

All Board members and managers at

Around 1,800

1 time

2 hours

management strategy

consolidated Group companies

Third-Year Employees Seminar

Nurture a spirit to take on challenges

Employees in their third year

Around 200

4 times

4 hours

among third-year employees

Fresh Members Seminar

Share the Group's principles, etc.

New recruits

Around 230

15 times

4 hours

Hospital sales representative training

Establish a marketing style to match the

Hospital sales representatives in

Around 10

9 times

70 hours

environmental changes in hospitals

their early 30s

Training costs in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023 (amount per employee*4): ¥25,487

*4 All Group employees

Increasing Employee Engagement

questions to evaluate the effectiveness of the human resource

To promote the implementation of our Group human resource

strategy and monitor the overall engagement level within the

strategy across the organization, in 2021, we began conduct-

Group. We will continue advancing the human resource strat-

ing employee engagement surveys. We established survey

egy initiatives based on our survey results.


The Thinking behind the Group Human Resource Strategy

(Human Capital Management)

source of strength. We believe that human capital management aligns with our Group management policies.

The Alfresa Group's area of business is the healthcare industry. This sector faces a challenging environment, marked by such factors as consecutive NHI drug price reductions and the pending expiration of patents for major pharmaceuticals. In the past, the road to success in the ethical pharmaceuticals wholesaling industry was to sell pharmaceuticals on a large scale to numerous patients. At present, we are not sticking to this model, and we are in an era when it is difficult to predict the future. We recognize the need to further specialize, advance, and diversify our business. To sustain growth, we have asked ourselves what kind of talent is necessary and how to ensure such talent can work and thrive. As a result of this deliberation, we have formulated a human resource strategy comprising six parts.

Q. What are some of your focuses in promoting the Group human resource strategy

(human capital management)?

The Alfresa Group's 22-24Mid-term Management Plan sets forth five requirements for our human resources: a willingness to venture into uncharted areas, a strong sense of mission for work that supports life, the ability to adapt to changing environments, high ethical standards that earn trust, and the strong expertise needed for sustainable growth.

In our newly established human resource strategy, we have clarified the ideal profiles of talent with the expertise to ensure that the entire Group moves in a consistent

employee engagement survey with the entire management team. In this manner, we strive to elevate our Group human resource strategy by truly focusing on the people we work with.

The Human Resource Committee, which serves as a forum for human resource personnel across the Alfresa Group, is the driving force behind promoting an understanding of and implementing the six elements of our human resource strategy. Over the past two years, the committee has met 13 times, demonstrating its role as an important source of strength for the Group.

Q. What is management's commitment to the Group's human resource strategy?

The management team is approaching the human resource strategy with determination and a sense of leadership and is deeply committed to its realization. Rather than leaving on-site issues solely to the Human Resources Department, the management team actively fosters a shared awareness with Group company presidents.

In 2022, our directors had a free-form discussion on the topic of human capital management. We reaffirmed our understanding that the achievements of our people working together are at the heart of efforts to enhance corporate value, as well as our recognition of the importance of nurturing the next generation of leaders who will shape our future. We also underscored the significance of conducting an annual employee engagement survey to gather feedback from the front lines.

Toshiki Tanaka

In charge of the Corporate strategy

Human Resources Planning, IT / Digital Transformation (DX) Director, Vice President & Executive Officer

Alfresa Holdings Corporation

Q. Please describe the background for formulating the Group human resource strategy (human capital management) and the thinking behind it.

The Alfresa Group is a vital part of the social infrastructure supporting public healthcare services. This ties into an excellent social mission and purpose for all of us working together in the Group. When new employees join the Alfresa Group, I tell them, "You've joined a great company. Be proud to tell your parents, relatives, and friends that you are part of the Alfresa Group. By working here, you are contributing to society."

The strength of the Alfresa Group's core business, the Ethical Pharmaceuticals Wholesaling Business, lies in a network that extends to medical institutions throughout Japan, facilitating the delivery of the necessary pharmaceuticals to the right place at the right time. More than any specific technologies or patents, human resources are at the core of our business. The Alfresa Group considers human resources to be its greatest asset and a

direction. We have also developed Groupwide career paths, including the Professional Career Group.

We also recognize it is extremely important to create an environment, system, and culture where our human resources-our greatest asset and source of strength- can demonstrate their diverse talents and work actively. We promote diversity to ensure that a wide range of people, including women and seniors, can actively contribute in various ways. For example, to promote wom- en's empowerment, we provide mindset shift training for both female employees and executives, and other management personnel. Each Group company has developed its own action plans in this regard.

Each year, we conduct an employee engagement survey with the aim of improving employee engagement. In addition to our own unique set of questions, we listen carefully to the people we work with to understand what our employees think. We share the results of the

Q. What message would you like to convey to Alfresa Group employees?

The Alfresa Group plays a crucial role in supporting the social infrastructure. To succeed in this, we need to be a strong corporate group that demonstrates stable performance and continues to grow.

We are committed to making every effort to create an environment where people can work with vitality, build diverse careers, and thrive. Our goal is to contribute to realizing a sustainable and healthy society, and we are delighted to see our employees engaging in their work with a strong sense of purpose, job satisfaction, and pride.

Bringing together each individual's perspectives to contribute to society will enhance the overall corporate value of the Group.


Alfresa Group Integrated Report 2023

Alfresa Group Integrated Report 2023


Non-Financial Strategy

Human Resource Strategy

Respect for Human Rights

The Alfresa Group is dedicated to the realization of "a society in which everyone can live in good health." With our belief that respect for human rights is a fundamental requirement of a society in which everyone can live in good health, we have established the Alfresa Group's Human Rights Policy based on the Alfresa Group's Principles and the Alfresa Group's Basic Sustainability Policy.

The Alfresa Group is committed to respecting the human rights of all people affected by our business activities. In the event that any adverse impact on human rights occurs resulting from our business activities, we will take appropriate corrective actions to remediate the situation. We will also endeavor to ensure that our relationships with our business partners and other stakeholders do not contribute to adverse impacts on human rights.

The Alfresa Group's Human Rights Policy

Preparation of a Rewarding Work Environment and Promotion of Health

Advancement of Work-Life Balance

We are reducing overtime hours and encouraging the use of paid leave as a part of our aim to keep our employees motivated and working while raising labor productivity and advocating diverse workstyles in the context of advancing work-life balance. We are also striving to create an environment where people feel free to utilize childcare and nursing care leave. Some Group companies are introducing a job return system, an expansion of the scope of applicable people for short working hours for childcare, and the payment of a childcare allowance.

2021.3 2022.3 2023.3

Alfresa Group's Fresh-Up Campaign

This campaign is a Groupwide effort designed to promote work-life balance by aiming for "a clearly defined approach to work" and working as a Group on the themes of "no overtime day"*6 and encouraging the use of paid leave.

*6 Programs such as "no overtime day," "go-home-early day," "fresh-up day," and so forth involve deciding schedules at each Group company to promote the reduction of long working hours.

Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organization

In March 2023, a total of 11 Group companies became 2023 Certified Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations, comprising eight companies in the large enterprise category and three companies in the small- to- medium-sized enterprise category. Alfresa Corporation and Alfresa Medical Service Corporation have received this certification in the large enterprise category for four years and three years, respectively, and TS Alfresa Corporation, RYUYAKU CO., LTD., and Alfresa Healthcare Corporation received the certification for the second consecutive year. Alfresa Fine Chemical Corporation received the certification for a third straight year in the small- to-medium-sized enterprise category.

Large enterprise category

Small- to-medium-sized enterprise

Four consecutive years


Three consecutive years

Alfresa Corporation

Three consecutive years

Alfresa Fine Chemical Corporation

Two consecutive years

Alfresa Medical Service Corporation

Alfresa Holdings Corporation

Percentage of paid leave days taken*5 (%)

Number of people taking


childcare leave


Percentage of people taking


childcare leave (%)


Number of people taking

nursing care leave

48.0 62.3

26 44



12.6 21.1

98.6 98.9

13 16







Two consecutive years

Certified for the first time

TS Alfresa Corporation, RYUYAKU

CO., LTD., Alfresa Healthcare

Alfresa Shinohara Chemicals



  • Certified for the first time
    Shikoku Alfresa Corporation, Meisho Co., Ltd., Tohoku Alfresa Corporation

*5 Includes contract and part-time employees

60 Alfresa Group Integrated Report 2023


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Alfresa Holdings Corporation published this content on 24 October 2023 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 24 October 2023 08:21:33 UTC.