Publicly Held Company

Corporate Taxpayer ID (CNPJ/MF): 04.310.392/0001-46

Corporate Registry (NIRE): 35.300.184.092


Pursuant to Directive Release CVM/SGE/001/03 dated January 22, 2003 and Article 12, caput, of CVM Instruction
358 of January 3, 2002, as amended by CVM Instruction 449 of March 16, 2007, Anhanguera Educacional Participações S.A. ("Anhanguera" or the "Company") hereby announces that it received a communication from Third Point LLC ("Third Point"), a foreign investor pursuant to Resolution 2,689/00, in which Third Point informed that its equity interest accounts for a total of 26,000,000 common shares, which represent a 5.95% interest in the common shares issued by the Company.
Third Point clarifies that this is a passive investment that does not seek to alter the control structure or the administrative structure of the Company. It also clarifies that it does not hold debentures convertible into shares, directly or indirectly, nor has entered into agreements or undertakings governing the exercise of voting rights or the purchase and sale of securities issued by Anhanguera.
Please find attached hereto the aforementioned correspondence.

Valinhos, May 20, 2014.

Vítor Alaga Pini

Investor Relations Officer



TtUfd PoinlllC

390 Pafk Avenue

Néw Yort,N'l' 10022

Tel212 715 3880


In accordance with the main section of article 12 of CVM Ruling No. 3.58 of January 3, 2002, as amended, Third Point LLC, a company organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware, United

States of America, with its principal piace of business at 390 Park Avenue, 19<h Floor New York,NY

10022 ("Third Poinr), in its capacity as an investment management company abroad,hereby advises that acquired,on behalol f the fundsit manages, common shares ("ON Shares")issued by Anhanguera EducacionalParticipaçoes S.A., a publicly-held company,registered in CNPJ/MF under No,

04.310.39210001-46 ("Company"), now holding a total ot 26,000,000 ON Shares, which correspond to

5.95% of this type of share. This is a minority investment that entails no change in the Company's control or management structure. Currently, tlhere is no number of Company's shares envisioned by Third Poìnt. There are no convertible debentures already held, directly or indirectly, by Third Point or related person, nor any agreement or contraciregulating votìng rights or the purchase and sale of securitiesissued by

the Company, to whìch Thìrd Point or related personis a party.

May 20, 2014

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