AP Memory Technology Corporation announced changes of the Company's Compensation Committee members. Name of the previous position holder: Yeh, Jui-Pin; Wang, Hsuan; Liu, Frank; Lan, Ching-Yao. Resume of the previous position holder: Yeh, Jui-Pin: Independent Director of AP Memory; Wang, Hsuan: Independent Director of AP Memory; Liu, Frank: Independent Director of AP Memory; Lan, Ching-Yao: Supervisor of President Co.

Ltd. Name of the new position holder: Yeh, Jui-Pin; Wang, Hsuan; Liu, Frank; Lan, Ching-Yao. Resume of the new position holder: Yeh, Jui-Pin: Independent Director of AP Memory; Wang, Hsuan: Independent Director of AP Memory; Liu, Frank: Independent Director of AP Memory; Lan, Ching-Yao: Supervisor of President Co. Ltd. Effective date of the new member: May 29, 2023.