April 11, 2014 PM Expert participates in gas projects in Uzbekistan

Moscow, April 11, 2014 - PM Expert, a member of ARMADA Group (MICEX-RTS: ARMD), took part in «Kandym. Early Gas» (LUKOIL) project as a contractor of ProjectManagementContractor (PMC).

«Kandym. Early Gas» project involves development of Kuvachi-Alat and Northern Shady group of gas fields in the Republic of Uzbekistan. The project provides for construction of gas pipelines, preliminary gas processing facilities (PGPF), as well as construction and logistics infrastructure. The project is scheduled to be implemented in May 2015.

One of the main challenges of «Kandym. Early Gas» project is a large number of participants and a multicultural project environment. LUKOIL Uzbekistan Operating Company, a subsidiary of Lukoil Overseas, is the operating company of gas fields. The general contractor is a Korean company Hyundaiengineeringco., while the EPC- contractor is EnterEngineering group of companies.

PM Expert was engaged by EnterEngineering to render PMC services. As part of the contract work, specialists of PM Expert performed operational project management, developed jointly with the project team a calendar-network project model based on OraclePrimavera P6, organized and conducted seminars on risk management (identification, qualitative analysis).

«Kandym. Early Gas» project has become the first foreign experience of rendering PMC services for our company," says Alexander Kutuzov, CEO of PM Expert. «Participation in such a large-scale project allowed us to get unique experience of project management support in the presence of a large number of parties concerned, representing companies from different countries. The experience gained by specialists of PM Expert from this project has expanded the wide range of our competencies used in rendering project management services to customers as PMC contractor».

About PM Expert
PM Expert is the leader of the Russian project management market, rendering professional services in the sphere of project, program and portfolio management. PM Expert was the first company in the Russian market to introduce a service of project management outsourcing. The clients of PM Expert are leaders of the Russian and international market, including FGC UES, Rosneft, TNK-ВР, Evraz Group, Toyota Motor, Sberbank of Russia, VTB 24, Glavstroy, MTS and many others. Website: www.pmexpert.ru

15 Kalanchevskaya Str., Moscow, 107078
Telephone: +7 (495) 981-5705
E-mail: info@pmexpert.ru
Website: www.pmexpert.ru

See also:

  • PM Expert develops a project management system in Kubanenergo
  • PM Expert is participating in the major project of TNK-BP
  • National project management standards take effect in Russia

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