Artprice's strategic alliance with Artron represents an unprecedented move with an immediate impact on current bipolar map of the global Art Market. Among the many synergies expected from this partnership, Artprice's exclusive access to previously unavailable key data concerning the Chinese art market will allow an even truer vision of the global market and will give the two global art-information majors full control over market data processing, market dematerialization activities and an entire range of global art market value chains. Beyond the economic interests flowing from the parties' contractual obligations, this alliance will allow Artprice to distribute a fair and accurate picture of the global art market in real time to its global clients, the main news agencies, 6,300 publications worldwide and its 2.3 million members.

As a result of this exclusive alliance, Artprice will be able to diffuse an economically fair and balanced view of the art market in both Asia and the West through its global networks. The alliance with Artron will allow Artprice to apprehend the Asian market with knowledge and information that Artron has taken over 20 years to acquire and develop. This alliance is strictly non-competitive since Artron's activity sectors (publishers, support for Chinese auction operators, newsflows on local art scenes, etc.) are specific to China and are not the same as Artprice's.