AudioEye, Inc. announced a series of enterprise-level updates to help organizations better address ongoing accessibility compliance at scale. AudioEye's latest updates offer streamlined processes, including coding and web development, that address testing accuracy and enhanced security for customers as they build compliant websites. Key highlights include: Accessibility Testing Software Development Kit (SDK) for Developers: AudioEye's Accessibility Testing SDK allows developers to identify and quickly address accessibility issues at the source, empowering them to proactively implement changes in pre-production environments.

Recognizing the need for consistency in issue detection, the SDK employs the same automated test logic utilized by AudioEye's accessibility experts during customer site audits and automated monitoring. This ensures that issues are caught and addressed earlier in the software development life cycle process, preventing surprises in production with unresolved accessibility issues. Enhanced Security with Single Sign-On (SSO): With new SSO capabilities, customers can log into AudioEye using the same credentials they already use within their organization, simplifying the login process and enhancing security by centralizing authentication.

With SSO, AudioEye addresses the stringent security requirements of enterprise clients, providing a deeper level of security and policy adherence. Advanced Testing Rules to Test Quality and Legal Compliance: AudioEye continues to improve its rules engine and has made ongoing quality improvements to its test suite, including incorporating advanced rules that more accurately test for compliance with current legal guidelines.