0636aeb4-25a9-4e1a-b7b1-5fe87e8d07a2.pdf Ausenco Annual Report



01 Directors' report

  1. Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

  2. Consolidated balance sheet

  3. Consolidated statement of changes in equity

  4. Consolidated statement of cash flows

  5. Notes to the financial statements

  1. Directors' declaration

  2. Independent auditor's report to the members

94 Alternative performance measures

Appendix 4E Preliminary final report

Name of entity

Ausenco Limited (ASX: AAX)


31 114 541 114

Current reporting period

31 December 2015

Previous corresponding period

31 December 2014

Results for announcement to the market A$'000

Current period

Revenues from ordinary activities





Loss from ordinary activities attributable to members





Underlying EBITDA





Net loss for the period attributable to members





Dividends (distributions)

Amount per security

Franked amount per security at 30% tax

No Final dividend paid in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2014



Interim dividend declared subsequent to 30 June 2014



Previous corresponding period



- Final

- Interim



Date the final dividend is payable

Record date for determining entitlements to the final dividend

n/a n/a

Dividend reinvestment plan


NTA backing

Current reporting period

Previous corresponding period

31 December 2014

Net tangible asset backing per ordinary security



Details of entities over which control has been gained or lost during the period are included in the audited financial statements under note 25.

Details of associates and joint venture entities are included in the audited financial statements under note 26.

Details of Underlying EBITDA are included in Alternative performance measures in the financial report on page 94.

………………………………………… Date: 26/02/2016 Patrick O'Connor

Company Secretary


The information contained in this report is for the full year ended 31 December 2015 and the previous corresponding period 31 December 2014.

Australian Accounting Standards are utilised when compiling the report.

The accounts have been audited and are not subject to dispute or qualification.

For the full financial statements including commentary on the results, please refer to the financial report and press release.

Ausenco Limited issued this content on 26 February 2016 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 26 February 2016 05:26:25 UTC

Original Document: http://www.ausenco.com/news-items/2015-full-year-financial-report-and-appendix