Silver City Minerals Limited announced the commencement and mobilization of air core drilling at the Shadow target area. The air core drilling program will comprise a total of 4,000 m of drilling and is expected to be completed by late September. The aircore drill program at Shadow Intrusive is now underway The program comprises 4,000m of aircore drilling to follow up significant results returned from the recent soil and prospecting programs by Silver City. Highlight results include: Four significant gold-in-soil anomalies identified that trend northwest and extend for over 3kms. Prospecting close to two anomalies has also identified an extensive area of approximately 750m by 300m where gold nuggets have been found. Geological inspection of the rocks upstream of the area of observed gold nuggets indicates areas of outcropping pyrite-altered porphyry intrusive rock with assays up to 0.2 g/t Au. The diamond and RC drilling programs at Austin are now both complete. The program comprised a total of 30 holes or RC drilling for 3,563 metres as well as 4 diamond holes for 466 metres. The results of this program have been highly encouraging with the identification of visual sulphide mineralisation and associated quartz veining over good widths at all three prospects targeted, being Brunswick Hill, Brians and Mt Sandy.